Marathon Virtual Run in 2020


Marathon Virtual Run in 2020

Changes to 2023 virtual events - If you're an existing community member, please read about the changes we've made as we move into 2023

1887 Reviews
Regular price£15.00
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Run details

Distance: 26 miles (42.2KM)
Entry type: Single run
Completion window: 10 hours
Minimum average speed: 4.22km/hour (2.6 miles/hour)
Minimum average pace: 14:20 min/km (23:05 min/miles)


Start date: 1st January 2020
End date: 31st December 2020
Finishers medals despatched: Within 48 hours of evidence being processed

Really important note: Please DO NOT try and run this in one if you are not prepared, physically, mentally or practically... We know there are many of our community missing out on planned marathons right now, but please bear in mind, these events come with race marshals, water stations, first aiders, health and safety measures not to mention hundreds or thousands of other runners supporting you on the way round... 26 miles is a long way to go alone unless you are a very experienced distance runner, take care and if you are in any doubt, exercise caution and seek advice from a medical professional first.

Tell me more about these running challenges

How do these running events work?

1. Select a run or challenge (from 5km to 300km in one month)
2. Complete it within the specified timeframe
3. Send us evidence that you completed it
4. We’ll send you a beautiful finishers medal PLUS we’ll shower you in praise!
5. Add the medal to your collection or even better, start your collection!

View all virtual runs and challenges
Why would I take up the challenge?

As soon as you take up the challenge - you’ll find your motivation for running will INSTANTLY increase. You’ll become far more likely to actually complete the challenge you set yourself - rather than finding reasons not to go out. The act of running itself has an endless list of benefits.

🙋‍♀️ Improves your confidence & self-esteem
😄 Increase endorphin release (known as the feel-good chemicals)
😴 Better & more restful sleep
🏃 Builds a stronger immune system
💯 Can add years to your life (if done regularly)

What do our community say?

We have literally thousands of reviews from our fantastic community for you to see for yourself.

Furthermore, in some recent community feedback, 99% of women surveyed felt exercise was a factor for their mental well-being, with a whopping 34% saying they felt it was the single most important factor.

An even more staggering 98% of women felt being part of the Running Woman community, inspired, motivated or encouraged them to exercise.

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Frequently asked questions

Can you run on a treadmill?

Yes, we are fans of fresh air and muddy puddles, but appreciate it’s not possible for everyone to get out, so take a snap of the run, showing distance and time.

More about virtual running
Can I walk instead of run?

Yes, we encourage everyone to try and run as much as they sensibly can but appreciate not everyone is in a position to complete a distance run, but still want to participate in the challenge. We have set time limits on the events so you’ll have to keep walking, but they do allow completion at an average walking pace.

View Pace Tables
How do I submit my runs?

Once the distance is successfully completed, simply visit our friendly chatbot and you'll be stepped through the process, we'll be on hand to help out as always

Submit my runs now