My name is Lisa, and I’m a Running Woman…

Recently, Running Woman had the pleasure of hearing Lisa's story, here's what she had to say, RW x
I feel just a huge sense of gratitude towards running.
And I’ve written as much in my journal.
If the coronavirus pandemic happened last year, when it wasn’t a part of my life, I don’t know if I’d have coped anywhere near as well.
In fact, I’m certain I wouldn’t.
When we were locked down, and able to only go out for exercise once a day, I tried to run the equivalent of a mile around my back garden!
Let me tell you; it was awful.
But that’s what this wonderful activity does to you.
I love to run, and Autumn is my favourite time of year; I head out in a vest at 5am every day before work when the world is still, and I see hardly a soul.
I’m an early morning person anyway, and so it’s a perfect time to be outside.
Being practical, and knowing how my mind works, I want to make every moment count.
That’s why I use the time while I’m moving to order my thoughts and consider what I want to achieve that day.
For me, that’s ideal.
The next morning, I reflect on how it went – whether that’s personally or professionally.
At the weekends, I change that soundtrack and opt for music instead of the chatter.
I didn’t always have it figured out, mind.
When I started, in August 2019, I had no idea whether I’d embrace it, or even be able to run at all.
And, to begin with, I was the worst type of runner; I didn’t even plan a route!
But I’m competitive by nature, and made it my mission to suss it out.
Now, those days feel such a long time ago.
My Strava app tells me that I’ve run 1,200 miles since the turn of the year, including a solo marathon – I blame my son for that, he suggested it!
I’ve also completed a half-marathon distance more than a dozen times.
My only regret is not switching sooner.
Previously, I had lost 10 stone during a two-year period through swimming and boxing, but I yearned to be outside while I exercised.
I also thought that I was too big to run.
Now, after joining the Running Woman community, I can share my journey with kindred spirits.
I can’t tell you the value that brings, to know that there are ladies who are ready to embrace you no matter how small you might feel an achievement is.
They are kind, thoughtful and motivational.
I try to post in the group most days, and if I don’t then people notice. They’ll send a message to ask if I’m ok.
To have made those connections, all of them virtual, is truly a special thing.
I do a challenge every month, like so many others, and nobody cares if it’s for 10km or 200km – or whether you’re fast, or slow – a warm reaction awaits those that make it.
To know that those like-minded souls are out there is another reason to be grateful for running.
Notes from Running Woman
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